Great Hills Park



PARK EVENTS:  All of our usual park events like “It My Park Day”, Park Meetings,  the Easter Egg Hunt, etc, will be suspended until Covid is under control.  Nothing is certain at this point in time.  We HOPE that by July 4th we will be able to have the neighborhood parade.  In the meantime, look for and follow city directives concerning parks..
GRAFITTI SPOT:  As you know, just before Thanksgiving we had a large graffiti incident on the cement drainage works along the trail just beyond  the playcape.  The city painted over this but it looks ugly. We would like to hear creative ways to cover up  the ugly and make something beautiful and fun.
GROUPS.IO : We have transitioned from Yahoo groups which has shut down to .  Anyone wishing to join io should send and an email to :  .   Feel free to post any questions or information about the park or happenings which affect the park.
CITY WORKING:  The city still seems to be doing sewer work in the park.  We do not have any specific information at this time.
BRICKS:  The new remembrance bricks were recently installed at the playscape.  If you wish to place a brick there in the future, you can  find information for this on the park website,  .
VOLUNTEERS:  Thanks to all of our volunteers past and present.  The trails and playscape areas are maintained by volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering in the future,  send an email to