Great Hills Park


                                   GREAT HILLS PARK WORKDAY
Neighbors, park users, and anyone who wants to help, please join us this Saturday at Great Hills Park.  It is going to be a beautiful Fall Day in the park!
WHAT: Fall Park Workday –  Saturday,  November 3
TIME: 9am -Noon
MEET: At the pavilion in the playscape area of Great Hills Park – 10801 Sierra Oaks
WHAT:  When your arrive, please sign-in.  No computers or pre-registration necessary.  Next, enjoy a breakfast taco  and/or a donut while we are waiting for everyone to assemble.  We will break into groups for different jobs.  if you want to plant wildflowers at the Floral Park entrance, plan to car pool over there.  
WEAR:  Layered clothing works best if it is cool when we start.  Closed toe,sturdy shoes are needed.  
BRING:  A filled water bottle, gloves if you have them (we have work gloves if you do not have your own),  Hoes and garden rakes for use during the wild flower planting. We need to break up the soil before we plant the seed so that seed has contact with soil. MARK anything you bring with your name.
                                                                         SEE YOU SATURDAY