Great Hills Park



We have raised $18,300 of our $25,000 goal.

Friends of the Parks of Austin has announced they will match our remaining donations up to $2,500!

Great Hills Park did not receive the $50,000 Austin Parks Foundation grant we applied for in April. We plan to resubmit our application September 30th.  The Austin Parks Foundation recommends we increase our donation.  We have decided to increase our local fundraising goal to $25,000, 50% of the requested grant, which is in-line with matching funds raised in previous successful projects.
We need your help.  DONATE NOW to the Great Hills Park Playground Project.
TWENTY FIVE DONATIONS OF $100 will secure the full match of $2500, almost meeting our fundraising goal of $25,000.  We accept cash, checks, paypal and stock donations. For stock donations, contact –  Brick Pavers are available for donations of $150 and over, and will be ordered on September 1st.
Any donation of $50 or more is eligible for a “We Love Great Hills Park” sign to display in your yard.