Great Hills Park

Great Hills Park Notes April 17

Great Hills Park Notes

TRAIL WALK:  Thanks to Eric  Potter and Steve Schwartzman for another wonderful Spring Trail Walk in the park!  It was a glorious day. Hikers spent almost three hours ambling along the trails learning about  the geology, plants, and animals of the park.  The kids had fun looking close-up at the crayfish and sunfish Eric had captured before they returned them to the creek.

POCKET TRAIL MAP:  Thanks to Tami Shui and her company, PE Structural Consultants, we have a neat new  pocket trail map.  These maps will be available to you for a donation of one dollar per map. For now, maps will be available on Friday morning from 8-9 am (when volunteers are working) or by special arrangement. If you want a map or maps, please e-mail,

FRIDAY MORNING GARDENING:  We need volunteers to help us water and do other gardening things on Friday mornings from 7:30 to 9am.  As summer closes in on us, we will be working most Friday mornings unless we have rain.  We will be working this Friday, April 21.  If there is no reminder in a week, then there is no gardening that week.